Terms & Conditions

Jobads.in is a Job Portal website that contains only content. We do not sell any product or services on the internet. All the details published on our job portal website is just for reference purpose only, so please always check the original advertisement and official website to know related news. While accessing the website you will be able to show some advertisement which may be provided by Google. We clearly confirm you that, by clicking on that advt or purchase any product from there is totally depends on you. And also you will be liable for any risk. Jobads.in will not be liable for any cost or damage arising either directly or indirectly from any condition. There are a number of terms & conditions that you need to keep in mind if you want to use Jobads.in website. If you do not accept them, kindly do not use the services of this website. If you are using our website, it implies that you have accepted the use of terms and conditions.


All content on this website, such as text, logos, graphics, button icons, images, audio clips, data compilations, digital downloads, and software, is the property of Jobads.in. The content suppliers are protected by the Indian and international copyright laws. All software used on this website is the property of Jobads.in or its software suppliers and protected by copyright laws.

You are own responsible for your use of our services. The content you post, submit, or display shall be viewed by you and other users of the services or third parties. As of now, our jobads.in team do not show any personal information about you to any other user of the Services or third parties. You should only provide the content that you are comfortable to share with others under these Terms and conditions.

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